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Unanimous support for Einstein Telescope from Belgian ministers for science

In a meeting on 13 February, all Belgian science policy ministers expressed their support for the Einstein Telescope project. In their statement they advocated investing in this project with its high “payback” effects.

The Einstein Telescope will be a world-class European research facility to capture gravitational waves from the distant universe and learn more about processes from the creation of black holes to conditions shortly after the Big Bang.

At the so-called Interministerial Science Policy Conference (IMCWB), Flemish Science and Innovation Minister Brouns made an ardent plea to host the Einstein Telescope in the Meuse-Rhine Euregio, the border region of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. In this, he was followed by all other Belgian science policy ministers, including from the federal state secretary Thomas Dermine and by colleagues Willy Borsus from the Walloon Region, Barbara Trachte from the Brussels-Capital Region and Valérie Glatigny from the Federation-Wallonia-Brussels.

Besides the scientific importance of Einstein Telescope, Brouns also underlined the opportunities for the region in form of strengthening the economy and innovation in the host area. In addition to Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, Italy is therefore also interested in hosting the research facility. The countries are currently preparing bid books with the qualities of their regions. European ministers are expected to decide on the location of Einstein Telescope in 2025.

Image: Department of Economy, Science & Innovation

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